See our FAQ for quick answers to your questions, including the impact of labour negotiations at Air Canada.


Tailored and diversified services


Our services meet the highest standards in the travel assistance industry. We work with qualified professionals and accredited institutions on every continent.

Medical assistance

When care is required, our case managers assess the situation and your needs. In a medical emergency, that includes:

  • Referral to the appropriate medical resources (doctors, clinics, hospitals)
  • Review of onsite medical reports and the progress of the medical condition
  • Direct payment to service providers (depending on the coverage and if the situation permits)
  • Case coordination in the following circumstances:
    • Evacuation and repatriation (return of the insured to their place of residence)
    • Return of the deceased, of a vehicle or of a dependent child
    • Transportation of a family member to a patient’s bedside
    • Travel interruption or delayed return following a medical situation
  • Follow-up with the patient until their medical condition is stabilized or until the patient is back in their province of residence
  • Review of family doctor’s medical reports to evaluate the patient’s condition and stability before leaving
  • Effective assessment of the eligibility of services received

Pretravel assistance

  • We will provide useful, relevant information before your departure, including travel advice and advisories from the Canadian government
  • We will explain the benefits and exclusions of your insurance policy
  • We can help with eligibility questionnaires for a known medical condition so that it can be assessed to determine your coverage

General assistance

  • Assistance if a passport or another important document is lost or stolen
  • Assistance in the event of trip interruption or a delayed return for non‑medical reasons
  • Assistance if baggage is lost or delayed
  • Translation services for over 140 languages and dialects

In an emergency, you need reassurance and an immediate response. CanAssistance provides tailored, diversified solutions to minimize the impact of an unexpected situation while you’re abroad. We act quickly to find the most appropriate solutions based on the personal, medical, logistic, and financial requirements of every situation. We understand the need of our clients and offer personalized, value-added service.


Health assistance considerably enhances the quality of customer service we provide.
We offer patients guidance and additional information about their condition and its prevention, and we deliver assistance services designed by health professionals:




CanAssistance has its own in-house team of experienced claims management professionals. Every claim is handled according to our meticulously developed standards, ensuring optimum, timely service.

Claims service you can count on:

  • Adjudication and review of claims (medical care, trip cancellation, baggage, purchase protection, collision damage)
  • Thorough case reviews to ensure that expenses are justified, reasonable, and customary for the region
  • Coordination of benefits and subrogation with other insurance companies and third parties
  • Recovery of funds from provincial health care plans
  • Customer service specifically dedicated to answering claim-related questions